Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 摘抄/笔记
Why Note
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,学习游戏制作,特此记录。
A - Work Ethic
- A01 - Game Development Isn’t a Game
- A02 - Presentation Are All About Speed!
- A03 - Try Telling That to the Player
- A04 - Spec Changes
- A05 - Writing Game Proposals
- A06 - Prep Your Proposals Hot and Fast
- A07 - You’ll Forget the Hardship, But the Game Will Endure!
- A08 - Directors Need to Be Unique
- A09 - Just Do It Already!
- A10 - How I Stuck With My Column
- A11 - Don’t Rely on a Plan B
- A12 - Branching Tastes
B - Game Essence
- B01 - Risk and Rewards
- B02 - Squeeze and Release
- B03 - Game Essence in Role-Playing Games
- B04 - Fun Beyond Game Essence
- B05 - The Fiend’s Cauldron
- B06 - Let Players Cheat the System
- B07 - Falling Sells the Feeling of Flight
- B08 - Do We Really Need Enemies?
- B09 - Consider Rewards First
- B10 - Do Competitive Games Have to Be Complex?
- B11 - Game Essence in Falling-Block Puzzle Games
- B12 - Dying Comes as a Relief?
- B13 - Mountain Climbing Is More Than Just Climbing
C - Planning & Game Design
- C01 -Frame Rates
- C02 -Just Let Them Play!
- C03 - Keeping Rewards in Sight
- C04 - Making a Living Making Games
- C05 - A Small Window Into the World
- C06 - The Potential of One Button
- C07 - Desconstruct, Analyze, and Rebuild
- C08 - Good Errands and Bad Errands
- C09 - Learn to Count Frames!
- C10 - Making Tutorials Feel Natural
- C11 - Praise the Player!
- C12 - Don’t Be Unresponsive!
- C13 - Game Writing is Unique
D - Design Specifics
- D01 - Stop for big moments
- D02 - Giving “Weight” to Buttons
- D03 - Jump Physics
- D04 - Eight Hit Stop Techniques
- D05 - Don’t Anchor Your Center Point
- D06 - Say No to Slow!
- D07 - Units of Speed
- D08 - Behavior at ledges
E - Team Management
- E01- Sharing Info Within a Team
- E02 - Jobs in Game Development
- E03 - Don’t Wait to Speak Your Mind
- E04 - Ten People Can Produce Seven People’s Work
- E05 - Explain Ideas to Everyone at Once
F - Graphics
- F01 - Draw the light not the Asset
- F02 - Emphasize Objects with Collision
- F03 - Distinguishing Between Major and Minor Elements
- F04 - Get the Sense of Scale Right
- F05 - Supervising Art Through Retouches
- F06 - An Up-Close Look at Smash Bros. Stages
- F07 - The Basics of Pixel Art
G - Animations
- G01 - Assigning Animations
- G02 - Too Much is Just Right
- G03 - Breaking Down Attack Animations
- G04 - Making Lead-ins Instant and Impactful
- G05 - Attack Poses
- G06 - Follow-Throughs Make the Impact
- G07 - Exaggerate to Make Up for Information Loss
- G08 - Posing Suggestions
H - Effects
- H01 - Make It “Pop”
- H02 - Let Your Character Shine
- H03 - Flash, Blast, and Smoke
- H04 - Visual Effects in Slow Motion
- H05 - Screen Shake
- I01 - Make the Tempo Match the Game!
- I02 - Strike a Balance with Sound Effects
- I03 - Listen in Various Environments
- I04 - Game Music and Ambient Sounds
- I05 - Audio as Fiction and Non-Fiction
- I06 - Voice Recording
J - UI
- J01 - Clarity vs. Style
- J02 - Text Size
- J03 - Modern Quality of Life Features
- J04 - Loading Screens
- J05 - Emphasizing Text
- J06 - Menus Define Your World
K - Programming & Tech
- K01 - Name Files Logically
- K02 - Making Your Game Easy to Tune
- K03 - Put Parameters in Brackets
- K04 - Using Tickets to Manage Tasks
L - Marketing
M - Grab Bag
- M01 - Down with Lag!
- M02 - Game Awards
- M03 - Exercise While You Play!
- M04 - The Price of Games
- M05 - My Feline Friend Fukurashi
- M06 - That was Then, This Is Now
- M07 - Sora Ltd.
- M08 - Team Digital or Team Physical?
- M09 - Sora’s Work-From-Home Strategies
- M10 - Competing with the Past
- M11 - Games and Eye Strain
- M12 - Mastering Up
- M13 - The Family Computer (and the NES)
- M14 - Development Secrets of the Original Kirby
- M15 - Canceled Games