20240421 - Do Competitive Games Have to Be Complex? 20240421 - Do Competitive Games Have to Be Complex?
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,考虑竞技性游戏的复杂性!
20240414 - Games and Eye Strain 20240414 - Games and Eye Strain
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,了解他与眼睛干涩的抗争!
20240407 - Marketing is Multiplicative 20240407 - Marketing is Multiplicative
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,了解市场营销!
20240331 - Visual Effects in Slow Motion 20240331 - Visual Effects in Slow Motion
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,仔细观察 Smash Bros. Ultimate 中的特效!
20240324 - Loading Screens 20240324 - Loading Screens
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,了解游戏的加载画面!
20240317 - Follow-Throughs Make the Impact 20240317 - Follow-Throughs Make the Impact
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,了解攻击后摇(Follow-Throughs)!
20240310 - Learn to Count Frames! 20240310 - Learn to Count Frames!
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,了解如何培养对于帧的感知!
20240303 - Consider Rewards First 20240303 - Consider Rewards First
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,考虑游戏中的奖励!
20240225 - Meteos 20240225 - Meteos
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,了解 Meteos 诞生的故事!
20240218 - Say No to Slow! 20240218 - Say No to Slow!
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,认识“减少玩家非游玩时间”的必要性!
Eleusis Express Eleusis Express
记录《Challenges For Game Designers》一书中 Chap3-Challenge5 提到的游戏 Eleusis 的最新版本,Eleusis Express。
20240128 - Competing with the Past 20240128 - Competing with the Past
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,了解现如今的市场环境中过去与现在的竞争!
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