20220510 - 漫画荣格 - 第三章:冒险进入内心深处、发现集体无意识 代表性的原型。个性化与自己实现。 2022-05-10 Study-Psychology-Notes Learning Notes Psychology Carl-Gustav-Jung
20220509 - 漫画荣格 - 第二章:寻找失去的父亲 同弗洛伊德的相识与创造性的回忆 心理的结构。个人的无意识与情结。 2022-05-09 Study-Psychology-Notes Learning Notes Psychology Carl-Gustav-Jung
20220508 - 漫画荣格 - 第一章:青年时代 荣格与唯灵论体验 唯灵论与荣格 2022-05-08 Study-Psychology-Notes Learning Notes Psychology Carl-Gustav-Jung
20220508 - 漫画荣格 - 序章:精神分析的黎明 深层心理学的学派 2022-05-08 Study-Psychology-Notes Learning Notes Psychology Carl-Gustav-Jung
漫画荣格:内心深处结构的解析 摘抄/笔记 为了解荣格理论中的集体潜意识,对《漫画荣格:内心深处结构的解析》一书进行摘抄/笔记,特此记录。 2022-05-07 Study-Psychology-Notes Learning Notes Psychology Carl-Gustav-Jung
20220506 - Level Design Book - BOOK 1. PROCESS - Combat - Balance The player's options throughout the level, the fairness of where the player can go 2022-05-06 Study-Game-LevelDesign Game Game Level Design
20220505 - Level Design Book - BOOK 1. PROCESS - Combat - Encounter Continuous sequence of open-ended challenges; usually in combat with NPCs 2022-05-05 Study-Game-LevelDesign Game Game Level Design
20220504 - Level Design Book - BOOK 1. PROCESS - Combat - Enemy Design prototyping different types of NPCs with specific behaviors, strengths, and weaknesses 2022-05-04 Study-Game-LevelDesign Game Game Level Design
20220503 - Level Design Book - BOOK 1. PROCESS - Combat designing physical conflict between player(s) and/or NPCs 2022-05-03 Study-Game-LevelDesign Game Game Level Design
20220502 - GDC2017 塞尔达:旷野之息的三角之力 对此次 GDC 上旷野之息的演讲再做整理,学习最出色的开放世界的设计理念。 2022-05-03 Study-Game-Notes Game GDC Learning Notes
20220502 - Level Design Book - BOOK 1. PROCESS - Pre-production - Scope General size and complexity of a project; validated through prototyping 2022-05-02 Study-Game-LevelDesign Game Game Level Design
20220501 - Level Design Book - BOOK 1. PROCESS - Pre-production - Worldbuilding How to conceptualize and design the fictional history of the game world 2022-05-01 Study-Game-LevelDesign Game Game Level Design