神将三国游戏体验报告 最近在投递游戏策划相关岗位,以 4399 神将三国为目标,撰写了一份游戏体验报告。 2021-07-26 Study-Game-ExperienceReport Game Portfolio 神将三国首充策划案 最近在投递游戏策划相关岗位,以 4399 神将三国首充系统为例,尝试对其策划案进行拆解。 2021-07-26 Study-Game-Proposal Game Portfolio GAMES101-8 20200306/20210708 Shading 2 (Shading, Pipeline and Texture Mapping) Shading, Pipeline, Texture Mapping. 2021-07-16 Study-CS-CG ComputerGraphics GAMES101-7 20200303 20210708 Shading 1 (Illumination, Shading and Graphics Pipeline) Depth buffer, Shading. 2021-07-16 Study-CS-CG ComputerGraphics GAMES101-6 20200228 20210708 Rasterization 2 anti - aliasing and Z - buffering Anti - aliasing and Z - buffering. 2021-07-16 Study-CS-CG ComputerGraphics GAMES101-5 20200225 20210706 07 Rasterization 1 (Triangles) Perspective Projection, What’s after MVP, Canonical Cube to Screen, Rsterizing Triangles into Pixels, Rasterization - Drawing to Raster Displays, A simple approach - sampling. 2021-07-16 Study-CS-CG ComputerGraphics GAMES101-4 20200221 20210705 Transformation Cont 3D transformations, Viewing transformation 2021-07-16 Study-CS-CG ComputerGraphics GAMES101-3 20200218 20210704 Transformation Why study transformation, 2D transformations, homogeneous coordinates, 3D transforms 2021-07-16 Study-CS-CG ComputerGraphics GAMES101-2 20200214 20210704 A Swift and Brutal Introduction to Linear Algebra Graphics’ Dependencies 2021-07-16 Study-CS-CG ComputerGraphics GAMES101-1 20200211 20210703 Overview of CG What and Why study CG. 2021-07-16 Study-CS-CG ComputerGraphics GAMES101-Introduction To Mordern Computer Graphics 为投递腾讯的技术研究-计算机图形学岗位,其中要求熟练掌握计算机图形学基本理论和算法,遂学习之,特此记录。 2021-07-16 Study-CS-CG ComputerGraphics Hexo + Github 搭建 Blog (MacOS) 最近在学产品经理的课,有了呈现作品集的需求,遂在网上寻找教程搭建 Blog,在此记录搭建过程。 2021-05-24 Blog blog-building