20241103 - G08 - Posing Suggestions 20241103 - G08 - Posing Suggestions
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,通过把玩模型来学习如何制作酷酷的姿势!
20241027 - B13 - Mountain Climbing Is More Than Just Climbing 20241027 - B13 - Mountain Climbing Is More Than Just Climbing
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,学习游戏中难度曲线应该起起伏伏的重要性!
20241020 - Don't Be Unresponsive! 20241020 - Don't Be Unresponsive!
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,了解提供按键反馈的重要性!
20241013 - Screen Shake 20241013 - Screen Shake
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,学习屏幕抖动!
20240930 - Behavior at ledges 20240930 - Behavior at ledges
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,了解游戏中的边缘掉落处理!
20240922 - 本就不可能存在 20240922 - 本就不可能存在
20240922 - Paint an Accurate Picture of Your Game 20240922 - Paint an Accurate Picture of Your Game
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,了解宣传画面和实际内容相符的重要性!
20240917 - Development Secrets of the Original Kirby 20240917 - Development Secrets of the Original Kirby
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,了解初代卡比的秘密!
20240901 - How I Stuck With My Column 20240901 - How I Stuck With My Column
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,了解他如何坚持为专栏撰稿!
20240824 - Dying Comes as a Relief? 20240824 - Dying Comes as a Relief?
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,学习游戏中角色死亡带来解脱感的原因!
20240818 - The Family Computer (and the NES) 20240818 - The Family Computer (and the NES)
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,了解 Famicom 和 NES!
20240804 - Praise the Player! 20240804 - Praise the Player!
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,了解赞扬玩家的例子和重要性!
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