20240225 - Meteos 20240225 - Meteos
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,了解 Meteos 诞生的故事!
20240218 - Say No to Slow! 20240218 - Say No to Slow!
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,认识“减少玩家非游玩时间”的必要性!
20240131 - 向死而生,生之回响 20240131 - 向死而生,生之回响
Eleusis Express Eleusis Express
记录《Challenges For Game Designers》一书中 Chap3-Challenge5 提到的游戏 Eleusis 的最新版本,Eleusis Express。
20240128 - Competing with the Past 20240128 - Competing with the Past
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,了解现如今的市场环境中过去与现在的竞争!
《Pull the Trigger》 One-Page Design 《Pull the Trigger》 One-Page Design
对 2024 年 1 月创作的以电力为主题的谜题《Pull the Trigger》的构思复盘。
20240121 - Do We Really Need Enemies? 20240121 - Do We Really Need Enemies?
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,学习游戏中的 Stress-Relief-Growth-Progress 循环!
20240114 -  Directors Need to Be Unique 20240114 - Directors Need to Be Unique
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,了解成为游戏导演的关键特质是与众不同!
密码谜题 密码谜题
对 2024 年 1 月创作的以密码为主题的三个谜题的构思复盘。
20240107 - Game Music and Ambient Sounds 20240107 - Game Music and Ambient Sounds
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,了解现代游戏的音乐和环境音!
20240102 - Put Parameters in Brackets 20240102 - Put Parameters in Brackets
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,了解针对特定角色的游戏微调(Fine Tuning)!
20231224 -  You'll Forget the Hardship, But the Game Will Endure! 20231224 - You'll Forget the Hardship, But the Game Will Endure!
观看 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games 的视频,学着忘记困难,记得为玩家服务!
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