2 20200214 / 20210704 A Swift and Brutal Introduction to Linear Algebra!
(in fact it’s relatively easy…)
- Graphics’ Dependencies
- Basic mathematics
- Linear algebra, calculus, statistics
- Basic physics
- Optics, Mechanics
- Misc
- Signal processing, Numerical analysis
- And a bit of aesthetics
- Basic mathematics
This Course
- More dependent on Linear Algebra
- Vectors (dot products, cross products, …)
- Matrices (matrix-matrix, matrix-vector mult., …)
- For example,
- Apoint is a vector (?)
- An operation like translating or rotating objects
can be matrix-vector multiplication
- Usually written as $\vec a$ or in bold $\bf{a}$
- Or using start and end points $\vec{AB}=B-A$
- Direction and length
- No absolute starting position
Vector Normalization
- Magnitude (length) of a vector written as $||\vec a||$
- Unit vector .
- Avector with magnitude of 1
- Finding the unit vector of a vector (normalization): $\hat a = \vec a / ||\vec a||$
- Used to represent directions
Vector Addition
- Geometrically: Parallelogram law & Triangle law
- Algebraically: Simply add coordinates
Cartesian Coordinates
- X and Y can be any (usually orthogonal unit) vectors
- $A =
\right}$ - $A = | A^T = (x,y) |$
- $||A|| = \sqrt{x^2 + y^2}$
- $A =
Vector Multiplication
- Dot product
- Cross product
- Orthonormal bases and coordinate frames
Dos (scalar) Product 点乘
Dot Product in Cartesian Coordinates
Dot Product in Graphics
- Find angle between two vectors
(e.g. cosine of angle between light source and surface) 找夹角 - Finding projection of one vector on another 找投影
- Find angle between two vectors
Dot Product for Projection
Measure how close two directions are (两个向量方向上接近就是1 垂直就0 相反就-1)
Decompose a vector
Determine forward / backward
- 应用:镜面反射 入射光 高光
Cross product
Cross (vector) Product
- Cross product is orthogonal to two initial vectors
- Direction determined by right-hand rule 不满足交换律
- Useful in constructing coordinate systems (later)
- 向量叉乘得到的还是向量
Cartesian Formula
Cross Product in Graphics 应用
Determine left / right 左侧-叉乘结果为正
Determine inside / outside
ab x ap
bc x bp
ca x cp
如果三个结果符号相同 那么就在内部 若结果为0则为Cornercase 可内可外应用 - 光栅化
Orthonormal Bases / Coordinate Frames
Important for representing points, positions, locations
Often, many sets of coordinate systems
Global, local, world, model, parts of model (head, hands, …)
Critical issue is transforming between these systems/ bases
A topic for next week
Orthonormal Coordinate Frames 坐标系
Magical 2D arrays that haunt in every CS course
In Graphics, pervasively used to represent transformations
- Translation, rotation, shear, scale (more details in the next lecture)
What is a matrix
Matrix-Matrix Multiplication
(AB and BA are different in general)Associative and distributive
- (AB)C=A(BC)
- A(B+C) = AB+AC
- (A+B)C = AC + BC
Matrix-Vector Multiplication
Treat vector as a column matrix (mx1)
Key for transforming points (next lecture)
Official spoiler: 2D reflection about y-axis
Transpose of a Matrix
Identity Matrix and Inverses
Vector multiplication in matrix form